Please select either 1st day of menstruation OR expected date of birth. Then click “Calculate all dates”. The page scrolls down automatically and shows your dates during your pregnancy, your check-ups and additional information.
Here you will find your personal overview of all appointments for your pregnancy and check-ups as well as further information.
It would be ideal to take folic acid (4 - 8 mg) approximately 2 to 3 months before pregnancy. At the latest, however, with a positive pregnancy test. This should be done up to the 12th week of pregnancy. A multivitamin supplement is not necessary.
What is folic acid/vitamin B9 for?
Folic acid is essential for cell division and the formation of new cells.
Specifically, this means that vitamin B9 is essential for the development of organs such as the heart and the brain of the embryo or fetus.
Fertilization does not have to coincide with sexual intercourse - it is quite possible that the sperm "survives" for up to 6 days.
From the gestational age of 6+2, a heartbeat can already be detected. If this is not the case, it could be because the pregnancy is younger despite the calculation = this is when ovulation has taken place later - or the pregnancy is not in order.
As soon as the heartbeat has been determined, you will receive your mother-child pass. This will guide you through the further preventive examinations by the health insurance company during your pregnancy and afterwards. This also serves as proof of your entitlement to social benefits from your social insurance company.
Cell-free fetal DNA Test from the maternal blood NIFTY™ test between 10+1 und 22+0 week of gestation
Find out more about the NIFTY test at
The intake of folic acid should be started at least four weeks before pregnancy and continued up to twelve weeks after actual pregnancy start. More information
2 weeks apart from pertussis, influenza and Covid-19 vaccination is recommended
Why get the RSV vaccination?
To protect pregnant women, newborns (3.6 per cent of deaths are due to RSV), premature babies and people aged 60 and over
Vaccinations against pertussis (whooping cough) and RSV can be carried out in our practice. Please ask my team of assistants and let us know your prefernces.
As a new service, you can have the sugar load test (OGTT) carried out in our practice and combine it with the 3rd MUKI-PASS examination. This saves you a separate trip to the laboratory.
WHEN: with appointment Wednesday or Thursday 8:30, 8:40, 8:50 or 9:00 a.m.
HOW: FASTING, solid food the day before until 8.00 p.m. at the latest
DURATION: approx. 2 hours
RESULTS of the OGTT can be collected 2 days later or retrieved at under the button "Online Befunde für Patienten".
In principle, air travel is safe for healthy pregnant women.
The decision whether you can travel by plane as a pregnant woman depends on your preconditions and must be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
Airlines (e.g. Ryanair) reserve the right to request a flight confirmation. Please check in advance with the airline with which you have booked your flight.
...air travel is generally not recommended.
The vaccination is administered as a multiple vaccine
(Diphtherie-Tetanus-Keuchhusten oder Diphtherie-Tetanus-Keuchhusten-Kinderlähmung)
Vaccinations against pertussis (whooping cough) can be carried out in our practice. Please ask my team of assistants and let us know your preferences.
If the mother's blood group is Rhesus negative - Rhesus prophylaxis with Rhophylac injection from approx. 30 weeks' gestation OR beforehand if bleeding occurs from the 10th week of pregnancy
in Austria: 8 weeks before the expected date of birth
...air travel is generally not recommended.
Private deliveries are possible at Privatklinik Goldenes Kreuz (1090 Vienna), at Privatklinik Döbling and at Rudolfinerhaus Privatklinik (both 1190 Vienna).
I will be happy to inform you in time and in detail about the respective options with national health insurances and private insurances.
Please arrange your appointment.
Start taking folic acid | |
1st day of the last menstruation | |
Conception | |
Gynaecological examination and ultrasound examination up to the 7th week of gestation | |
Blood tests up to the 16th week of gestation | |
1. Mother/Parents-Child-Pass 8 - 12th WEEK OF GESTATION | - |
NIFTY test between 10+1 and 22+0 week of gestation | - |
Nuchal translucency, Combined Test Clinic or private 11+6 - 13+6 week of gestation | - |
End of folic acid intake | |
Appointment with family doctor/internist 17 - 20th week of gestation | - |
Interview midwife 18 - 20th week of gestation | - |
Organ screening 20 - 24th week of gestation | - |
3. MOTHER/PARENTS-CHILD-PASS incl. growth control ca. 24TH WEEK OF GESTATION | |
and cervical measurement | |
VACCINATION Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) recommended BTW 24 - 36th week of gestation | - |
OGTT Zuckerbelastungstest 25. - 28. SSW | - |
FLIGHT TRAVEL and FLIGHT CONFIRMATION up to 32ND WEEK OF GESTATION (Please note the explanation!) | - |
VACCINATION Pertussis (whopping cough) recommended 27 - 36th week of gestation | - |
With Rh-negative blood type Rhophylac injection ca. 30th week of gestation OR from 10th week of gestation when bleeding during pregnancy | |
4. Mother/PARENTS-Child-Pass 30 - 34th week of gestation + §3MSG confirmation | - |
Maternity leave from | |
genital swab of streptococcus | - |
Date of birth | |
Gynaecological examination 6 weeks after birth | - |
Bitte vereinbaren Sie rechtzeitig Ihren ersten/nächsten Untersuchungstermin in unserer Ordination oder verwenden Sie unsere Online Terminreservierung.
We are taking a short break and our surgery will be closed from December 23, 2024 to January 6, 2025. In urgent cases, please contact your nearest hospital.
We will be back for you from January 7, 2025.
From July 1st 2023, medicines covered by public insurance in Austria can be sent via e-prescription (independent of ELGA).
All persons insured in Austria can pick up their medication with a health insurance e-prescription at any Austrian pharmacy - but not at web/online pharmacies! Private prescriptions cannot be sent - they have to be collected at the practice.
As of July 1st 2023, the e-card must be inserted at the practice once per quarter so that the e-prescription is activated for 90 days .
After we received and checked the results we proceed as follows:
1. In case of an urgent result that is subject to treatment we contact you actively and communicate the necessary steps (therapy, appointment, prescription, ...).
2. If you have not heard of us within 2 weeks, you can be assured that your results do not require any further medical clarification or treatment. In this case, even if the result deviates from the reference range, we offer you to ask within your next regular appointment.
Currently we are not able to answer your e-mails regarding that matter due to high influx of e-mails. We kindly ask you for your understanding. THANK YOU.